Thursday, September 23, 2010

Changing Things Up A Little Bit

When I started this blog I thought I would just have a running list of GF places and resources for my state. Just a place with references for people that ask me or for when I run into someone in the store staring at all the gluten free items and looking totally lost and I can't help but open my mouth and ask them if they need help. Well, since starting this up places are popping up everywhere, and I mean everywhere- it would be impossible to get it all on here (I can try, and I will, but happily GF is becoming so much more common and so much easier to find these days). And then, I get friends asking for friends of friends out of state where they can find info and buy food. Okay, so specifically for WA state will not help that. Broaden the focus. I can do that. But something was still missing... why did I start this blog and then have such a hard time adding to it. What's missing? Why am I having a hard time writing about the great food we ate out and the fab baked goods I found and well, my crazy adventures in the kitchen (picture food chemistry experiments like making yogurt and sprouting nuts and seeds)? Then, I finally figured it out- because the blog as I had it set up was cold, impersonal, and so-not-me. I value my life, my privacy, and have many reasons for keeping some things offline. But, my writing style is not so "just the facts ma'am" because that's not how I operate. So hopefully no one minds here, but I plan to change this up a little. I want to put some online places I like to shop on here for out of starters and then I will review some of the places I have tried this summer, maybe even some faves that I have made. I would also like so say that I am an equal opportunity eater. Meaning, I like to try all kinds of ways of eating and food that work with our (my family's) lifestyle. Raw, vegan, cooked, and yes, some meat too. Hopefully I can share a little something for everyone. My latest adventure in my own eating is moving towards eating a whole lot more plants and trying to get my 2 monkeys (I mean boys- and make that 3 since the hubby eats here too) to eat more veggies, because who can't use more of that? :-)