I haven't posted here in a very long time and I am still working on changing this format so as I get more stuff on here the site is easier to navigate but we went shopping today and I thought I needed to post a list of some of our favorite things. I have been talking to another gluten free mommy who is now looking at taking out dairy and soy... it reminded me that I haven't really said too much about this aspect of our diet.
Anyhow, in honor of the super hot heatwave we are having here in WA I thought I would post something here about our favorite keep cool treats and eats that we just purchased today from Whole Foods :-)
Coconut Milk Products:
So Delicious! (by Turtle Mountain) makes coconut Milk Ice Cream that is so so good! Some flavors are not soy free and some So Delicious! products are made from soy milk so be sure you get the ones that say coconut milk. Our favorite soy free, gluten free flavors are vanilla bean, coconut, and chocolate. This company also makes coconut milk in the carton (our fav is the vanilla), yogurts, and a new coconut kefir we just bought today. The boys and I purchased the strawberry- reminds me of those Dannimal yogurt drinks from our pre-dairy free days (though this one doesn't have any funky additives). This is not as sweet as the yogurts and on the slightly tart side but a nice change.
So delicious also makes some Popsicle type ice creams- we bought a raspberry flavor to try. We'll let you know how we like it! They also make chocolate covered coconut bars (like a Dove bar) and ice cream sandwiches. These last 2 do have so and the ice cream sandwiches are not all gluten free- so as always read labels before you buy! For a link to their site click here: http://www.turtlemountain.com/
Another Brand of Coconut Milk ice cream we like is Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss. The mint galactica is the boys' new favorite and it is soy free! (Think mint chocolate chip ice cream). Really, I don't think you can go wrong with these guys' flavors. You can check out their site here: http://www.coconutbliss.com/
Hemp Milk Ice Cream
Tempt (by Living Harvest)! is just as it is named. Oh, so super good! We've tried the vanilla and the chocolate brownie (yes, soy free!). We also picked up a mint one today. Even better, they were on sale at WF today. Yippee! This company also makes other yummy hemp products including hemp milk. You can check them out here: http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ExecMacro/livingharvest/home.d2w/report
Last time we were at Manna Mills we picked up some gluten free ice cream cones from Let's Do Organic. (They make wheat ones too so be sure you have the right ones). So for the first time in a really long time the boys have been loving being able to have ice cream in a cone!
We also like to buy Popsicles. Since we don't do artificial colors or flavors we just buy whatever brand has only natural ingredients and is free of corn syrup. Sometimes we make our own, too with Popsicle molds.
Enjoy the heat while it lasts and stay cool with some summer treats!
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