1. Educate yourself!
Read and learn. Here are a few recent articles in the news about GMO's and pesticides:
This is an article about fertilizers that have contaminated a farming community's water supply and the expense of cleaning it up (and the toll this has taken on people's health).
2. Know what you are buying.
How to tell if produce is conventional, GMO, or organic:
If you can't afford all organic, the EWG has a list of the dirty dozen- http://www.ewg.org/
Truth be told, I try to buy as much as I can organic, but that is not always possible or affordable. I also joined a local CSA, which I absolutely love. This is another way to support your local organic farmers. On a side note, all corn in the US is GMO, unless it is specifically labeled organic.
If you want to support the EWG (Environmental Working Group) with a donation, great. But the information that is on the site is there and it is free. This is an amazing resource, not just for information on foods and pesticides but on safe body products and other environmental issues as well. As a consumer your dollar speaks the loudest. By choosing not to buy GMO's (or conventional) produce, and choosing organic instead (or at least non GMO) you are showing where your support is. If people don't buy it, eventually the store will not sell it.
3. Keep synthetics out of our organic foods.
Sign the petition here. (Please). It takes 2 seconds of your time!
4. What's in that package of food you are buying?
We all know that eating processed foods all the time takes a big toll on our health, but sometimes the packaging is just as dangerous as the food itself. There is a big push to remove BPA (a known carcinogen) from food packaging. Here's some more information on it: http://networkedblogs.com/uYhm0
Here is one more petition to sign to get BPA out of food packaging. It takes less than a minute to sign, so please do and share this link widely!
This is a starter and these are 4 simple steps. I could go into healthy eating and making the choice to eat less processed foods, but that is a whole subject by itself. My own way of eating and how I feed my family have evolved dramatically since starting this blog. Then again, so has the whole world of gluten free eating.
So, get to it! You might be one small voice, but when we join together we become one loud voice. Let's make this a safer, healthier planet for everyone on it.
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